Starting a Campaign

Offering employees the opportunity to contribute to the community through payroll deduction is an employee benefit.

With one simple transaction, employees can support local groups throughout the year. Community Shares professionals have the expertise and the tools necessary to make setting up an employee giving campaign easy for everyone. CSUSA professionals can provide electronic pledge systems, print materials and skilled presenters ready to make the campaign a success.

It’s simple to start a payroll contribution program with Community Shares whether your company does its payroll in-house or sends it to an outside vendor.

What is required of an employer?

  • Designate a campaign coordinator and, with our help, s/he establishes a timeline and process for educating employees about the campaign and the participating organizations.
  • Pledge forms and brochures are distributed to all your employees – we provide the materials. We can also offer an online campaign in place of, or alongside, paper materials.
  • Staff from Community Shares and/or its member agencies are available to attend kickoff events, provide speakers and answer questions at your workplace.
  • Campaign coordinators distribute and collect completed pledge forms. Community Shares can provide detailed reports of the pledges.
  • Your payroll department sets up an automatic deduction and a liability account. Checks can be sent to CS on a schedule that works best for you: every pay period, monthly, or quarterly.
  • Community Shares distributes the donations to the charities each donor selected.

What if my workplace currently allows payroll deduction with other umbrella charities?

We work along with other fundraising federations in many workplaces. Conducting a side-by-side or combined campaign that includes Community Shares requires minimal additional work. Studies show that employers who offer multiple options in workplace giving see an increase in employee participation and an increase in total dollars raised. Employees appreciate the broader choice.

No one federation can represent the entire community. But each federation brings the knowledge and resources of the organizations it represents. More on expanding a campaign.

For more information, contact your local CSUSA member organization.